Is Your Company Ready for External Growth?

Croissance Externe

Many companies reach a point where they are successful and profitable, but feel stagnant. They may be wondering if now is the time to pursue external growth opportunities such as mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Here are a few things to consider before taking the plunge. 1. Define Your Objectives Before you can even begin to […]

How to increase your M&A deal flow?

As a CEO, one of your main priorities is to generate growth for which you have an interest in accessing new technologies and/or expanding internationally, particularly through mergers and acquisitions. In order to do this, you need a robust and continuous pipeline of proprietary deal flow. Here are four practical tips to help you increase […]

How to choose your investment bank for an M&A operation

Investment banks are the brains behind any merger or acquisition. They identify potential candidates, negotiate on behalf of their clients (the companies involved in a deal), and offer financing advice if needed to close out an agreement with ease The investment banker’s job doesn’t stop at just finding great Deals though- it also includes communicating […]

M&A in a Recession – Establishing the Worth of Your Business

In this blog post we will explore the different ways that a recession can impact an M&A transaction and offer some tips on how to establish your business’s worth during these tumultuous times. As we enter into uncertain periods, it is more important than ever for businesses (and their investors) to be strategic about what […]

What is corporate venture?

Corporate Ventures are a way for corporations to make money by investing in new projects. They’re similar to other types of business ventures, but there’s one key difference – they have an additional purpose: generating revenue so that their company can keep growing and becoming even more profitable! Corporations will invest money, resources and expertise […]