Company cession

Perform the sale from your business in the best conditions, for a valuation of 1 to 200M€

Circle Decoration in Shop Products Block

Traditional process


Contact of potential acquirers is limited
to personal networks


It is difficult to connect with all
companies and M&A professionals


The process is opaque
Circle Decoration in Shop Products Block

Collaboration Capital


Your project benefits from the most complete sourcing
of potential acquirers, worldwide.


You benefit from a multi-sectoral experience 


You access in real time all the information regarding our
actions and results in full transparency

Results are guaranteed

Circle Decoration in Shop Products Block

Your project is shared with M&A professionals and potentially interested companies around the world

Circle Decoration in Shop Products Block

90% of target companies share with us their feedback on the operation

Circle Decoration in Shop Products Block

You have the power to choose the  best acquirer

The best acquirer is the one
you choose


Circle Decoration in Shop Products Block
You present your project


Circle Decoration in Shop Products Block
Our team analyzes the situation. if we are convinced
of succeeding in the operation, we launch the mission


Circle Decoration in Shop Products Block
We create the anonymous presentation teaser,
the information memorandum, and the targeting
of suitable counterparts


Circle Decoration in Shop Products Block
We contact the counterparts and organize
the exchanges


Circle Decoration in Shop Products Block
Letters of intent are collected and analyzed


Circle Decoration in Shop Products Block
We supervise additional due diligence


Circle Decoration in Shop Products Block
The operation is carried out

1. Validation and diffusion of your project

Circle Decoration in Shop Products Block
We confirm the anonymous presentation of your company, highlighting your assets via the teaser.

We determine the sectors of activity of the companies potentially interested in the acquisition, as well as their size and geographic location.

All Mergers and Acquisitions actors have access to your research: companies, investment banks, investment funds, lawyers, accountants.Members are notified based on their search criteria, and you receive their marks of interest.

2. Connection with the identified acquirers

Circle Decoration in Shop Products Block
Thanks to your criteria, all relevant buyers are contacted.

They come both from our network and from tailor-made research carried out by our Artificial Intelligence engine in semantic analysis.

Thus, we are limited neither by administrative classifications of sectors of activity, which can be imprecise, nor by financial databases, which only present companies which publish their accounts.

With your validation, we contact the managers of these companies to present your cession project to them according to a presentation confirmed together after signing the confidentiality agreement, then share the Information Memorandum.

3. Negotiations supervision

Circle Decoration in Shop Products Block
We supervise the exchange with interested targets, as well as with the partners involved, legal and accounting advisors. We are assisting in the validation of the Letters of Intent received.

The support can be supplemented by financing advice, at the level of the company sold, and at the personal level after the operation.Our mission is completed, you benefit from all the market interest marks adapted to your project, and have the choice to continue with the best offer.
More than
10 000 clients
More than half
of counterparts
by AI

Don’t wait

Discover what we can do for you
