Digital investment bank

Execute your M&A strategy 10X faster thanks to companies sourcing, pipeline management, emails and phone numbers finder, targets contact, and more.

No credit card required

Used by more than 10 000 companies in 120 countries

Acquisition d'entreprise

Make every relationship an oportunity

Target sourcing

Targets contact

Pipeline management

Targets contact

Chrome extension

The best operations begin
in your M&A cockpit

Know all your targets thanks to AI

Find all relevant companies worldwide thanks to semantic analysis algorithms

Collaborate with your team

Involve your collaborators, subsidiaries, shareholders, advisors… to work with you on the operation

Discover all current operations

Access the most engaged M&A community, including companies, investment banks, investment firms, lawyers, accountants etc.

Get answers

We contact your target companies for you to collect their feedback on the operation - 95% answer rate guaranteed

Automatically enrich your data

Collect more than 30 data points on your targets data : activities, size, location, executives phone numbers, emails, education… and gain new insights

Build an M&A-powered growth

Empower your team with AI to improve your dealflow management and execution

Work 10X faster

Focus on the high-value tasks of the operation

Grow in more than 120 countries

Connect with companies worldwide, using the right languages

Les meilleures opérations commencent
dans votre cockpit M&A

Accédez rapidement aux opportunités
d’acquisition et de cessions d’entreprises

1 . Création anonymisée du projet

2 . Accès aux contreparties

3 . Evaluation des cibles et discussion avec elles

Les 3 atouts de la banque d'affaires digitale

intelligence artificielle

1. L’intelligence artificielle pour sourcer les cibles recherchées dans le monde

fusion acquisition

2. La place de marché unique dédiée aux Fusions Acquisitions


3. L’expertise humaine pour réussir vos projets


Seamless integrations
First-class security
Connect with M&A professionals worldwide, ask your questions and receive advice
Access new insights and key information
on M&A operations
Discover how your digital
investment bank will boost your growth.