How Ekpyrosis tripled their
positive reply ratio

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The challenge

As an Individual Buyer, Olivier Dietlin created the Ekpyrosis company to finance the acquisition of a SME. He found it difficult to connect with relevant companies to acquire.
The solutions available were not good enough :
  • databases did not provide good results, as most companies don’t publish their revenues, and are not listed there
  • Investment banks and traditional M&A professionals are too expensive
  • Working alone on the project was time-consuming : finding the right companies, finding the right contact information, contacting the companies… Everything was too slow.

The solution

After launching the project on Collaboration Capital, a lot of new companies were found, thanks to the online research based on semantic analysis : new results appear.

“They have sourced many leads, including in sectors for which I believed that I already knew all actors. This enabled me to discover companies not listed or not correctly listed in traditional tools.”

Once relevant companies were identified, their data was enriched to provide the email and phone number of their executive team.
95% of all target companies were successfully enriched.

Thanks to the contact information collected, the target companies have been contacted by the Collaboration Capital team to present the acquisition project.
30% of the target companies were interested in the operation.

“I think that this is an outstanding ratio”

The companies interested in the operation were directly connected with Olivier, who managed the relationship from that point directly.

“I have had excellent relationships with the sellers, which proved that the introduction contact from Collaboration Capital was a success”

Le premier contact des entreprises cibles est très important, c’est pourquoi nous le réalisons à travers une méthode éprouvée, et en suivant le script téléphonique validé par chaque client.


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